Web Design for Photographers

Impress potential clients with a beautiful site

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What should a photography website look like?

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or completely new to the business, one of the most important steps to becoming a successful photographer is creating a great website. In a world of camera phones and amateurs, you need to show potential clients that your professional skills are worth the investment. But how exactly do you accomplish that?

These web design tips for photographers should give you an idea of the most important things to include on your site.

Make your photography the focus

One of the advantages of being a photographer is that you should have no shortage of stunning imagery for your website. Beautiful photographs are helpful in almost any industry, but are especially important when your job is to create them. Convince potential clients that you are the right photographer for them by making high quality images the centerpiece of your site.

The difficult part of this task is limiting yourself to your strongest images. When creating their web design, many photographers make the mistake of trying to include as many photos as possible. While it may seem like this is the best strategy, lots of large image files can slow your site down. Internet users tend to be impatient when it comes to slow sites, so take some time to determine which of your images are the best. If you’re having trouble narrowing them down, consider asking a non-photographer friend or family member to help. They will be able to offer a similar perspective to those who will be interested in your services.

What Other Elements Should an Ecommerce Website Include?

Another technique that can help you choose the correct images to feature on your site is by focusing on what your specialties are. Do you primarily photograph weddings? Do you enjoy working with families? Do you work in the fashion industry?

Keep this in mind when selecting the photographs for your web design. While it might be tempting to throw in the beautiful landscape you shot over the weekend, brides seeking out a wedding photographer won’t be able to get a sense of what you can do for them unless you showcase images from other weddings.

Consider starting a blog

While the focus of a photography website should always be eye-catching imagery, people who are considering hiring you likely want to get a sense of your personality. One way that photographers can integrate this into their web design is by creating a blog.

By creating unique and personal posts about different events and photo shoots, you not only get to show off the photographs you take, but also work them into a storyline. If you take the time to do it right, a well-written blog can show how just how dedicated you are to your clients.

Blogs are also a great way to gain exposure for your site. If you create a post that combines a couple’s wedding photos with a brief story about them, they are very likely to share it on social media – and so are their friends and family. This can be a great way to attract new clients to your business.

Create a responsive design

As a photographer, your web should be accessible to users on computers, smartphones, and tablets. The popularity of mobile devices continues to increase, and you don’t want to drive away business from people just because they are not using a desktop computer. Make sure that your images are stunning on every device by creating a responsive design.

Strong web design is essential to every business, but especially important if you work in a visual industry. As a professional photographer, you already have the advantage of having a wealth of appealing imagery to work with. But if you aren’t sure how to integrate it into a successful website, don’t hesitate to contact us. We are more than happy to assist you in designing a professional site for your business.

Web Design Pricing

Web Design Pricing

How much will a new website or redesign for your Harrisburg business cost? We pride ourselves on offering affordable web design pricing for companies in need of reliable services. See our pricing by following the link below.

Website Redesign Services

Website Redesign Services

If your current business website isn’t mobile-friendly, isn’t attracting the right amount of leads, or just looks like it’s stuck in another century, we can help. Follow the link below to learn about our affordable website redesign services.

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